- Why not new? He has to know about it sooner or later. 为什么现在不告诉他?他迟早也得知道这件事。
- Must you dash off? Why not stay for a cup of tea? 你一定要急急忙忙走吗?为何不留下喝杯茶呢?
- Why not let her do as she likes? 为什么不让她想怎么做就怎么做呢?
- Why not stop them (from) polluting the river? 为什么不阻止他们污染这条河呢?
- Why not try a new line of business? 为什么不试一试其他行业呢?
- Your car is rather old. Why not change a new one? 你车太旧了,为什么不换辆新的?
- Why not just wait and see what happens? 何不静观其结果呢?
- I bought a new shirt for you today. why not try ? 我今天为你买了一件新衬衫。为什么不试一下?
- The practice of playing off one great power against another is not new. 挑拨一个强国对抗另一个强国并不是什么新的手法。
- Just as an afterthought why not ask Jim? 这是事後想起的--为什么不问问吉姆呢?
- The desire to ban land mines is not new. 禁止使用地雷的想法并非最近提出来的。
- I see no reason why not, but I need a pair of goggles. 我看没什么不可以的不过我需要一付护目镜。
- So ancient myths were not new to Minoan Crete. 因而,古代神话对于克里特文明来说并不陌生。
- I do not see why not, but it shall not be too expensive. 我看没什么不可以,但这不应该太贵了。
- The profile or array technique is not new. 测线法或合阵法并不是新的。
- By the way, why not drop in for a drink this evening? 顺便说一句,今晚到我家串门喝一杯怎么样?
- The idea behind Copernicus hypothesis was not new. 哥白尼假设所包含的思想并不是新的。
- The key question is in focus; why not reach a decision? 主要问题已非常明显,为何不作出结论呢?
- Not new, fresh, or spontaneous; stale. 陈腐的不再新、新鲜或自然的; 旧的
- Her money's not new to her, nor is her isolation. 她的钱对她来说不是新鲜事,她的孤独也一贯如此。